





1. 为帮助您更清晰地了解您在使用我们的产品及服务时,我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息和敏感个人信息,我们重新编写了我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息且在本政策中以链接的方式呈现,且涉及个人信息和敏感个人信息的内容已加粗、加下划线突显,供您阅读了解。

2. 为您可以更加便捷地访问、更正、删除您的个人信息,同时保障您撤回对个人信息使用、获取设备权限的同意及注销账号的权利,我们更新了第7章节您管理自己信息的权利的内容,更详细地向您介绍相应的操作指引。

3. 为向您提供更为高效、便捷的投诉及提出建议的渠道,我们更新了第十四章节如何联系我们中关于客服联系方式、投诉处理时限的内容。

4. 在第十四章节如何联系我们,为向您提供更为快速、高效的客服体验,我们修改了投诉处理时限。
























1. 为了向您提供我们的产品及服务的基本功能,您需要授权我们收集、使用必要的信息;如您拒绝提供该等必要信息,您将无法正常使用我们的产品及服务。

2. 如您拒绝我们收集您的任何个人信息,我们将无法向您提供本平台完整的基础服务功能。在此情况下,我们将为您提供「仅浏览」模式,旨在协助您在决定接受隐私政策前得到本平台部分基础服务功能的初步体验,即部分内容浏览,该等内容一般是资讯信息及基于其他用户同意本隐私政策后生成的内容。

3. 为了向您提供我们的服务及产品的拓展功能,您可以选择授权我们进一步收集、使用除实现基本功能所需之外的其他信息;如您拒绝提供该等信息,您将无法正常使用相关附加功能或无法实现我们拟达到的功能效果,但并不会影响您使用我们的产品及服务的基本功能。

4. 如某一信息无法单独或结合其他信息识别到您的个人身份,则该信息不属于法律意义上您的个人信息。当我们掌握的信息客观上可以结合其他信息识别到您的个人身份时,即便我们无意或者无法通过获取或结合任何其他信息最终识别出您的个人身份,这些信息在使用期间,也将作为您的个人信息按照本政策处理与保护。

5. 我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在下述说明中且收集了您的信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的。

6. 在您提供的信息中,可能包含您的敏感个人信息。敏感个人信息是一旦泄露或者非法使用,容易导致自然人的人格尊严受到侵害或者人身、财产安全受到危害的个人信息,包括生物识别(如人脸信息、指纹信息、虹膜信息)、宗教信仰、特定身份(如党员、军人信息)、医疗健康(如心率信息、疾病信息、就诊信息)、金融账户(如金融账户、交易密码)、行踪轨迹等信息,以及不满十四周岁未成年人的个人信息。请您谨慎并留意敏感个人信息,您同意我们可以按本政策所述的目的和方式来处理您的敏感个人信息。

7. 您可通过点击《个人信息清单》详细了解我们收集及使用您的个人信息的具体情况。

8. 我们十分重视您的数据主体权利,为您提供便利的功能入口,以便您可以快捷、便利地撤回已授权信息的使用授权,或针对有关信息进行变更或修改。

1.1 我们收集和使用个人信息的原则


1.2 我们收集和使用个人信息的目的


1.2.1 注册、登录与认证







1.2.2 账号管理



1.2.3 浏览、搜索行情资讯





1.2.4 开户和理财










2.1 Cookie

为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您使用铂比西软件产品或服务时,我们可能会通过采用各种技术收集和存储您访问铂比西软件服务的相关数据,在您访问或再次访问铂比西软件服务时,我们能识别您的身份,并通过分析数据为您提供更好更多的服务,包括使用小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做是为了解您的使用习惯,帮您省去重复输入帐户信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的帐户安全。这些数据文件可能是CookieFlash Cookie,或您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。我们不会将 Cookie 用于本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。有关详情,请参见 AboutCookies.org。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止Cookie 的功能。但如果您这么做,在某些情况下您可能无法使用依赖于cookies的铂比西软件服务的部分功能,则需要在每一次访问我们的网站时亲自更改用户设置。

2.2 网站信标和像素标签

Cookie 外,我们还可能在网站上使用网站信标和像素标签等其他同类技术。例如,我们向您发送的电子邮件可能含有链接至我们网站内容的点击 URL。如果您点击该链接,我们则会跟踪此次点击,帮助我们了解您的产品或服务偏好并改善客户服务。网站信标通常是一种嵌入到网站或电子邮件中的透明图像。借助于电子邮件中的像素标签,我们能够获知电子邮件是否被打开。

2.3 Do Not Track(请勿追踪)

很多网络浏览器均设有 Do Not Track 功能,该功能可向网站发布 Do Not Track 请求。目前,主要互联网标准组织尚未设立相关政策来规定网站应如何应对此类请求。但如果您的浏览器启用了 Do Not Track,那么我们会尊重您的选择。




3.1 共享

除非下文另有规定或您同意我们向第三方分享您的个人信息,否则我们不会将您的个人信息传输给第三方。如第三方发生了资产合并、收购、重组或出售,或依据法律或其他原因,我们将向此类实体传输您的信息,以便继续为您提供服务。在该等情况下,我们将始终要求相关第三方遵守本隐私政策。 我们仅在合理必要的情况下与所选的第三方共享您的信息,包括:

3.1.1 我们的附属公司


3.1.2 服务提供商
















用于便于您分享铂比西软件内容至第三方平台。接入的第三方服务均由相关方负责运营,须受第三方自己的服务条款及信息保护声明(而非本《隐私政策》)约束。关于第三方SDK具体调用的设备权限类型,以及如何收集、使用您的个人信息,建议您参考第三方SDK的相关服务协议及隐私政策。 如果您希望进一步了解我们向第三方共享信息的情况,请您阅读第三方共享信息情况说明。

3.1.4 广告合作伙伴(若有)


3.1.5 政府、公共部门、监管、司法和执法机构或当局







3.2 转让





3.3 公开披露





3.4 共享、转让、公开披露个人信息时事先征得授权同意的例外





















5.1 我们会按照相关法律法规规定,将在中华人民共和国境内收集的您的个人信息存储于中华人民共和国境内,并依法对这些信息进行严格保密。如部分情形下需要向境外机构传输境内收集的相关用户个人信息的,我们会按照法律、行政法规和相关监管部门的规定执行,并通过签订协议、现场核查等有效措施,要求境外机构为所获得的您的个人信息保密。

5.2 一般而言,我们仅为实现本隐私政策所述目的所必需的最短期限内保留您的个人信息,除非经您另行同意延长保留期或其他依法得到允许的情形。在下列情况下,我们有可能因需符合法律要求,更改个人信息的存储时间:








6.1 关于个性化推荐服务









7.1 反欺诈内容投诉举报


2) 点击进入反欺诈专区

3) 选择点击进入举报电话举报短信举报微信其他途径,即可进行相关投诉。

7.2 功能建议反馈


2) 点击设置

3) 点击功能建议,填写相关建议和/或上传相关图片;

4) 点击右上方继续,选择问题所属类别;

5) 点击提交即可。


7.3.1 设置添加好友是否需要验证:

1) 进入铂比西软件后,点击我的

2) 点击设置

3) 点击社区设置

4) 点击加好友设置

5) 选择是否开启加我为好友时需要认证,即可进行更改。

7.3.2 设置是否可特别关注我、股票加自选自动关注企业号:

1) 进入铂比西软件后,点击我的

2) 点击设置

3) 点击社区设置

4) 点击关注设置

5) 选择是否开启可特别关注我股票加自选自动关注企业号,即可进行更改。

7.3.3 设置是否允许他人查看我的访问:

1) 进入铂比西软件后,点击我的

2) 点击设置

3) 点击社区设置

4) 点击来访设置

7.3.4 设置牛牛圈发布的内容的公开范围:

1) 进入铂比西软件后,点击牛牛圈

2) 点击发表

3) 点击所有人

4) 点击选择可见范围。












10.1 您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能向您发送电子邮件、短信、资讯或推送通知。您可以按照我们的相关提示,在设备上选择取消订阅。

10.2 我们可能在必要时(例如,因系统维护而暂停某一项服务时)向您发出与服务有关的公告。您可能无法取消这些与服务有关、性质不属于广告的公告。












13.1 除我们明确说明需适用我们其他特别制定的单独隐私政策或条款的服务外,本政策适用于您使用的铂比西公司下所有公司提供的全部服务。但某些服务已根据需要设定其特定的隐私指引/声明,如本政策与特定服务的隐私指引/声明有不一致之处,请以该特定隐私指引/声明为准。

13.2 本政策所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本政策涵义解释的依据。

Privacy Policy



Updated: November 24, 2021

Effective date: November 24, 2021

In order to fully protect your rights, we agree to the "Privacy Policy" as follows, the main contents are:

1. In order to help you understand more clearly how we collect and use your personal information and sensitive personal information when you use our products and services, we have rewritten "How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information" and in This policy is presented in the form of links, and the content involving personal information and sensitive personal information has been bolded and underlined for your reading and understanding.

2. To make it easier for you to access, correct, and delete your personal information, and to protect your right to withdraw your consent to the use of personal information, obtain device permissions, and cancel your account, we have updated Chapter 7, "How You Manage Your Information." Rights" to introduce you to the corresponding operating instructions in more detail.

3. In order to provide you with a more efficient and convenient channel for complaints and suggestions, we have updated the content about customer service contact information and complaint handling time limit in Chapter 14 "How to Contact Us".

4. In Chapter 14 "How to Contact Us", in order to provide you with a faster and more efficient customer service experience, we have revised the time limit for handling complaints.

Your trust is very important to us. We are well aware of the importance of personal information to you. We will take corresponding security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and try our best to keep your personal information safe and controllable. In view of this, the service providers of Mellon software operating Mellon software (referred to as "we") have formulated this "Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") and remind you:

This policy applies to your use of the various products and services of Mellon in any way. Before using Meilong software products or services, please be sure to read and thoroughly understand this policy, and use the relevant products or services after confirming your full understanding and agreement. Once you start to use Mellon software products or services, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to this policy. If the products or services of our affiliated companies use products or services provided by Mellon without an independent privacy policy, this policy also applies to those products or services.

Unless otherwise specified by the laws applicable in your region, under this policy, "personal information is all kinds of information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or in other ways, excluding anonymized information. ". We will use this information in accordance with this policy.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through the contact information published in this policy.

This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

1. How we collect and use your personal information

2. How we use cookies and similar technologies

3. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

4. How we protect your personal information

5. How we store information

6. Personalized Recommendations

7. Your right to manage your own information

8. How do we protect the information of minors

9. How your personal information is transferred globally

10. Information we may send to you

11. Information you share

12. How to update this policy

13. Scope of application of this policy

14. How to contact us

1. How we collect your personal information



Special Note:

1. In order to provide you with the basic functions of our products and services, you need to authorize us to collect and use necessary information; if you refuse to provide such necessary information, you will not be able to use our products and services normally.

2. If you refuse us to collect any of your personal information, we will not be able to provide you with the complete basic service functions of this platform. In this case, we will provide you with a "browse only" mode, which aims to help you get a preliminary experience of some basic service functions of this platform before deciding to accept the privacy policy, that is, to browse some content, which is generally information and information. Content generated based on other users agreeing to this Privacy Policy.

3. In order to provide you with the extended functions of our services and products, you can choose to authorize us to further collect and use other information other than those required to achieve basic functions; if you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the relevant information normally. Additional functions may not achieve the functional effects we intend to achieve, but will not affect the basic functions of your use of our products and services.

4. If a piece of information cannot identify you individually or in combination with other information, the information does not belong to your personal information in the legal sense. When the information we hold can objectively identify you in combination with other information, even if we have no intention or inability to obtain or combine any other information to ultimately identify you as an individual, the information will be used as your personal identity during use. Personal information is handled and protected in accordance with this policy.

5. The functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a function or service is not listed in the following description and your information is collected, we will notify you separately through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, etc. You describe the content, scope and purpose of information collection.

6. The information you provide may contain your sensitive personal information. Sensitive personal information is personal information that, once leaked or used illegally, may easily lead to the infringement of the personal dignity of a natural person or endanger the personal and property safety, including biometrics (such as face information, fingerprint information, iris information), religious beliefs, specific identities (such as party members, military information), medical health (such as heart rate information, disease information, medical treatment information), financial accounts (such as financial accounts, transaction passwords), whereabouts and other information, as well as personal information of minors under the age of 14. Please be careful and pay attention to sensitive personal information, and you agree that we may process your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this policy.

7. You can learn more about our collection and use of your personal information by clicking on the "Personal Information List".

8. We attach great importance to your data subject rights and provide you with convenient function portals, so that you can quickly and conveniently withdraw the authorization to use the authorized information, or make changes or modifications to the relevant information.

1.1 Our principles for collecting and using personal information

When collecting and using your personal information, we always uphold and abide by the following principles, namely, the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of choice and consent, the principle of least necessity, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of openness and transparency.

1.2 Purposes for which we collect and use personal information

In order to comply with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations in China, as well as to provide you with services, ensure the security of your account and system operation, and optimize our service experience, we collect your registration, Information actively provided, authorized to provide or based on your request when using products and services, and based on information generated when you use Mellon software products and services:

1.2.1 Registration, Login and Authentication

(1) When you register and log in to the products or services of Meilong Software, you can create an account through your mobile phone number (in this process, we will send a verification code to your mobile device in the form of a text message), and you can improve the relevant Network identification information (avatar, nickname, password), the aforementioned information is collected to help you complete account registration. You can also choose to submit your email, gender, birthday, region, personal profile and bind a third-party account to improve your profile according to your own needs.

(2) According to the software development progress plan, you can also use a third-party account to register, log in and use Meilong software products or services in the future, such as your WeChat, Weibo, QQ or Xiaomi account, you will authorize us to obtain your third-party account. The public information (avatar, nickname) registered on the third-party platform is used to bind with your Meilong software account, so that you can directly log in and use Meilong software products and services. Unless you choose or comply with relevant laws and regulations, we will not provide the above-mentioned information to the outside world, nor will we use it for other purposes than this function.

(3) When you use your face recognition information to unlock and log in to your Meilong software account, we will ask you for permission to unlock your face for your identity verification; if you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use related services, but it will not affect Normal use of other functions and services.

(4) When you choose to use the verification code to log in to the Meilong software account, we will request to use the SMS sending function of the device. Sending SMS may incur SMS fees, which are charged by the mobile network operator, and we do not charge any SMS fees. If you refuse to send SMS, you will not be able to use the verification code login function, but you can still choose to use other login methods.

(5) Based on the cooperation between communication operators and us, you can choose to use the "one-click login" function. When you use the "one-click login" function, the operator will obtain your express consent by sending a link, etc. and then send us your mobile phone number; status, and call the operator (third-party) SDK, so that we can provide you with a fast login service. The mobile phone number is important personal information. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the "one-click login" method to register and log in, but it will not affect your registration and login through other methods, nor will it affect the normal use of other functions.

(6) Please note that if you refuse to provide any personal information, you will only be able to use the "browse only" mode, and we will not be able to provide you with the complete basic service functions of Meilong Software.

1.2.2 Account Management

(1) When you reset the mobile phone number bound to your Meilong software account, we will evaluate the security level of your Meilong software account and verify your identity if necessary; if you choose the face recognition function for identity verification , Meilong software will request to use the camera function of the device and collect your facial information, but we will not store your facial information; if you choose to upload a certificate for identity verification, Meilong software will request to use the device and collect your ID information; the personal information collected above is only used for identity verification. If you do not agree with the above content, you will not be able to use the relevant functions for authentication, so you will not be able to reset your mobile phone number, but it will not affect your use of other services of the company.

(2) When you use account services such as retrieving and modifying passwords, unbinding, and canceling, we need to verify your personal information, mainly including identity information, device information, security status, and account information. This is based on protecting your account. security needs.

1.2.3 Browse and search market information

(1) When you use the reminder or major event announcement function of the Meilong software market system, we will request the calendar permission to use the device so that you can obtain relevant information in a timely manner. If you deny access, you will not be able to use the reminder function, but it will not affect your use of other services of the company.

(2) When you browse and search for market information on the Meilong software, we will collect the information generated by your clicks, browsing, following, favorites, searches, queries, sharing, etc. generated during your visit and use.

(3) In order to ensure that you can normally receive and use the relevant market rights and services, we will use the Meilong account number and IP address provided by you for geographical or account validity identification. If you do not agree with the above content, it may affect the validity judgment of the region or account, and then affect your access to and use of relevant market rights and services.

(4) We provide you with free basic market quotation services that meet your trading needs. When you need more professional market quotation services, you may be required to provide additional personal information based on the compliance requirements of the professional quotation provider, which may involve Meilong account number, name, contact number, residential address and zip code, email address, occupation, position or work unit address and other information, we remind you to provide such information with caution, and we will also collect information before assisting in providing such professional market services. with your separate consent.

1.2.4 Account opening and wealth management

(1) When you access the account opening function of a brokerage through the Meilong software account, we will request the permission to use the camera and microphone of the device; if you refuse to provide the camera and microphone permission, the account opening process will not be completed normally.

(2) You can choose to have the corresponding brokerage directly collect the personal information required for opening an account from you. According to the requirements of relevant securities laws and regulations and the account opening rules of the brokerage, such information includes photos of the front and back of the ID card, a passport-free photo, and proof of real-name account opening and account opening. A video of your wishes (one-way or two-way), as well as your mailing address, where you work and your occupational position. The collection of the aforementioned information is the responsibility of the designated brokerage itself and has nothing to do with us. You need to carefully read and agree to the rules or policies of the access broker on information collection before submitting the above information. If you do not agree to the above content, you will not be able to use the account opening function, but it will not affect your use of other services of Meilong Software.

1.2.5 User Services

If you contact our customer service, we may require you to provide the necessary personal information for authentication to keep your account safe. In order to provide services according to your demands, with your authorization, the customer service needs to inquire or verify your relevant information within the scope of your authorization. We will take technical and management measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information as much as possible, and within the necessary scope to use. We may also keep your contact details, records and content of your communications with us, and other information necessary to provide and record customer service to you.

1.2.6 Safe operation

In order to ensure your normal use of our services, the security of your account, and to identify abnormal account status, we will collect log information generated during your use of our services and associate such information.

2. How we use cookies and similar technologies



2.1 Cookies

In order to provide you with an easier access experience, when you use Mellon software products or services, we may use various technologies to collect and store data related to your access to Mellon Software services, and when you visit or visit Mellon Software again. During the service, we can identify your identity and provide you with better and more services by analyzing data, including using small data files to identify your identity. This is to understand your usage habits and help you save repeated input. account information, or help determine the security of your account. These data files may be cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated application (collectively, "Cookies"). We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this policy. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. See AboutCookies.org for details. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer, and most web browsers have a cookie-blocking feature. However, if you do this, in some cases you may not be able to use some functions of the Meilong software services that rely on cookies, and you need to personally change the user settings every time you visit our website.

2.2 Web Beacons and Pixel Tags

In addition to cookies, we may also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, an email we send you may contain a click URL linking to the content of our website. If you click on the link, we will track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences and improve customer service. A web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of pixel tags in emails, we can tell if an email has been opened.

2.3 Do Not Track

Many web browsers have a Do Not Track feature that issues a Do Not Track request to a website. Currently, no major Internet standards organization has established policies governing how websites should respond to such requests. But if your browser has Do Not Track enabled, then we will respect your choice.

3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information



3.1 Sharing

We will not transfer your personal information to third parties unless otherwise specified below or you consent to us sharing your personal information with third parties. In the event of a third party merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, or for legal or other reasons, we will transfer your information to such entities in order to continue to provide you with services. In such cases, we will always require the relevant third party to comply with this Privacy Policy. We only share your information with selected third parties as reasonably necessary, including:

3.1.1 Our affiliates

Your personal information may be shared with the affiliates of Mellon. These affiliates can only use your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you need to change the purpose of processing personal information, we will seek your authorization and consent. 3.1.2 Service Providers

Some of our services will be provided by service providers only for the purposes stated in this policy, which may include website hosting, data analysis, payment facilitation, information technology and related infrastructure provision, customer service, email delivery, targeted advertising identification and delivery, mailing services and other service provider services. We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and only share personal information necessary to provide services. Our service providers are required to provide the same or equivalent protection of user data as described in this Privacy Policy and are prohibited from retaining, using or disclosing your personal information except as necessary to provide our services.

When you use third-party services, we may receive your personal information from and/or share your personal information with such third-party service providers:

(1) Use a third-party account to register, log in and use Meilong software products or services, such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ or Xiaomi accounts;

(2) If you post information and/or content on Mellon software related products and services (such as forums or other message boards, personal data pages, or any other service where you can post information and/or content), the information you post and/or content will be available to anyone who can view the page or service. If you choose to share such information and/or content to your other social media accounts, your friends, other users of the Platform and social media accounts will have access to such information and/or content. If you choose to share information using the sharing feature, you authorize us to facilitate the sharing of information you choose, and you understand that the use of the shared information will be governed by the social media provider's privacy policy.

(4) At present, the third-party SDK services we access mainly include the following types:

● Provide IM message communication function;

● Provide free traffic service;

● To report and analyze user behavior data;

● provide payment services;

● Report program crash information;

● Perform performance statistics;

● Provide live broadcast support function;

● provide browser services;

● For advertising statistics, monitoring and optimization;

● Used for third-party account login;

● It is used to facilitate you to share the content of Mellon software to third-party platforms. The third-party services accessed are operated by the relevant parties and are subject to the third-party's own terms of service and information protection statement (not this "Privacy Policy"). For the specific types of device permissions invoked by the third-party SDK, and how to collect and use your personal information, you are advised to refer to the relevant service agreement and privacy policy of the third-party SDK. If you wish to learn more about our sharing of information with third parties, please read the third-party information sharing instructions.

3.1.4 Advertising partners (if any)

We may share reports on trends and their ad performance with advertising partners to help them better understand their audiences. We will not share your personally identifiable information, such as name or email address, unless you allow us to do so.

3.1.5 Government, public sector, regulatory, judicial and law enforcement agencies or authorities

We are legally required to disclose your information in certain circumstances, including:

(1) To comply with a legal obligation or request, such as a court order, subpoena or other legal process;

(2) to enforce our terms;

(3) dealing with security or fraud-related matters; or

(4) an emergency involving death, risk of serious personal injury, or any risk of harm to children occurs; Provided that the entity requesting the information has valid jurisdiction to obtain your personal information.

3.2 Transfer We will not actively transfer your personal information

to third parties except in the following circumstances:

(1) The relevant operation has obtained your express consent in advance;

(2) When a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation is involved, if the transfer of personal information

is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Re-seek your authorization and consent;

(3) Others where we need to transfer your personal information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or the requirements of competent authorities.

3.3 Public disclosure We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) After obtaining your explicit consent;

(2) The relevant provisions of applicable laws and regulations or the implementation of court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures, or compliance with the legal and mandatory requirements of government authorities (including other legally authorized organizations);

(3) Reasonable and necessary purposes for implementing relevant service agreements or this policy, maintaining social and public interests, and protecting the personal and property safety of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users or employees, or other legitimate rights and interests.

3.4 Exceptions

to prior authorization and consent when sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information

(1) Related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Those related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3) related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

(4) In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

(5) Your personal information disclosed to the public by yourself;

(6) Collecting personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(7) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations. Please note that according to the law, sharing and transferring anonymized personal information and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re-identify the subject

of the personal information is not an external sharing, transfer or public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing of such data will not require further notice to you and your consent.

4. How we protect your personal information



We take various precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misappropriation and misuse, as well as from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. To ensure the security of your personal information, we have strict information security regulations and procedures, and a dedicated information security team strictly implements the above measures within the company. We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this policy, unless an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by law. If the aforementioned data storage period is exceeded, we will delete your personal information within a reasonable period or take technical measures to anonymize it, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

The Internet is not a completely secure environment, and email, instant messaging, and communications with other Mellon software users are not encrypted, and we strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through such means.

We will establish an emergency response plan. In the event of a security incident such as personal information leakage, we will activate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of the security incident. We will promptly notify you of the relevant information of the event by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish an announcement. The Internet environment is not 100% secure, and while we have these security measures in place, please be aware that "perfect security measures" do not exist on the Internet and we will do our best to ensure the security of your information.

You can prevent your password from being leaked and endanger the security of your account in BMORCHARDFLORIST.COM.MY by not disclosing your login password or account information to anyone (unless the person is officially authorized by you). We recommend that you do not use Mellon's products and services on any device or operating system that has been modified outside the scope of the device vendor's license or warranty (for example, a "jailbroken" mobile device). The use of Mellon software on the aforementioned devices or operating systems may lead to the risk of personal information leakage. We are not responsible for security omissions caused by third parties accessing your personal information due to your failure to keep it private. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you should notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account by any other Internet user or of any other security breach. Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.

5. How we store information



5.1 We will store your personal information collected in the People's Republic of China in the People's Republic of China in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and keep such information strictly confidential in accordance with the law. In some cases, if it is necessary to transmit the relevant user personal information collected in China to overseas institutions, we will implement it in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of relevant regulatory authorities, and through effective measures such as signing agreements and on-site inspections, require overseas institutions to provide information for the obtained information. keep your personal information confidential.

5.2 In general, we will only retain your personal information for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless you have agreed otherwise to extend the retention period or otherwise permitted by law. In the following cases, we may change the storage period of personal information in order to comply with legal requirements:

(1) In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

(2) To comply with court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures;

(3) To comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or legally authorized organizations;

(4) Reasonable and necessary purposes for the implementation of relevant service agreements or this policy, the maintenance of social and public interests, and the protection of the personal and property safety or other legitimate rights and interests of our customers, us or our affiliated companies, other users or employees.

6. Personalized Recommendations



6.1 About Personalized Recommendation Service

(1) We will inform you of the user information collected for personalized recommendation, user feedback and methods of controlling information recommendation through this privacy policy and instant notification.

(2) We will collect your click, follow, favorite, search, browse, share, comment, like, feedback and other browsing behavior, browsing time and device information during the use of this service to achieve personalized recommendation analysis and Calculate and recommend content that you may be more interested in based on the calculation results. We will provide real-time feedback to the recommendation model based on your browsing behavior in the process of using the product, and continuously adjust and optimize the recommendation results.

(3) The personalized recommendation services we provide mainly include information recommendation, community content recommendation and advertisement recommendation.

7. Your right to manage your own information

During your use of Meilong software, in order for you to access, correct and delete your personal information more conveniently, and at the same time to protect your right to withdraw your consent to the use of personal

information and cancel your account, we have provided you with corresponding measures in the product design. , you can refer to the following guidelines to operate. In addition, we have also set up complaint reporting and suggestion feedback channels, and your comments will be dealt with in a timely manner. Please note that there may be differences in operation settings between different operating systems and different versions of Meilong software; in addition, in order to optimize your experience, we may also adjust the operation settings. Therefore, the following guidelines are for reference only.

7. Complaints/reports/suggestions



7.1 Anti-fraud content complaints and reports

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "My";

2) Click to enter the "Anti-Fraud Zone";

3) Select and click to enter "Report Phone" or "Report SMS" or "Report WeChat" or "Other Channels" to make relevant complaints.

7.2 Feature suggestion feedback

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "My";

2) Click "Settings";

3) Click on "Feature Suggestions", fill in relevant suggestions and/or upload relevant pictures;

4) Click "Continue" at the top right and select the category of the question;

5) Click "Submit".

7.3 Privacy function settings

7.3.1 Set whether adding friends requires verification:

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "My";

2) Click "Settings";

3) Click "Community Settings";

4) Click "Add Friends Settings"; 5) Choose whether to turn on "Require authentication when adding me as a friend" to make changes.

7.3.2 Is it possible to set special attention to me, stock plus self-selected automatic attention enterprise account:

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "My";

2) Click "Settings";

3) Click "Community Settings";

4) Click "Follow Settings"

5) Choose whether to enable "You can pay special attention to me", "Stock plus optional automatic follow company account", you can make changes.

7.3.3 Set whether to allow others to view my access:

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "My";

2) Click "Settings";

3) Click "Community Settings";

4) Click "Visit Settings".

7.3.4 Set the disclosure scope of the content published by Niuniuquan:

1) After entering the Meilong software, click "Niu Niuquan";

2) Click "Publish";

3) Click "Everyone";

4) Click to select the visible range.

8. How do we protect the information of minors



We take the protection of the personal information of minors very seriously. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian before using our services. You should ask your parents or guardians to read this policy carefully and submit your personal information only after obtaining the consent of your parents or guardians. At the same time, it is recommended that you use our services under the guidance of your parents or guardians, otherwise please You must immediately terminate the submission of information or terminate the use of our services, and notify us of this situation as soon as possible so that we can take effective measures. At the same time, we will only use or disclose the information of minors when permitted by laws and regulations, expressly consented by parents or guardians, or necessary to protect your rights and interests. If you are the parent or guardian of a minor, when you have questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information on the home page of this policy or in Article 14.

9. How your personal information is transferred globally



In principle, personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China, unless cross-border transfers are permitted under applicable laws. Since we provide products or services through resources and servers located all over the world, this means that, after obtaining your authorization and consent, your personal information may be transferred to the country/region where you use the products or services, or receive information from these Jurisdiction Access. Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. In such cases, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected within the territory of the People's Republic of China. For example, we may request your separate consent to transfer personal information across borders, or implement security measures such as data de-identification prior to cross-border data transfers.

10. Information we may send to you



10.1 When you use our services, we may send you emails, text messages, news or push notifications. You can choose to unsubscribe on your device by following our tips.

10.2 We may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary (for example, when a service is suspended due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not advertising in nature.

11. Information you share



You can share your relevant information with your friends, family members and other users through our services, such as the text and photos you share publicly in Niuniuquan. You can control the scope of the information you share through the privacy settings in our services, and you can delete the information you share publicly through the settings in the services or the guidelines we provide. However, please note that this information may still be kept independently by other users or unaffiliated third parties that are not under our control.

12. How to update this policy



We will update this policy in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, business changes or other necessary circumstances. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this policy, and we will publish it on this page. Changes made to this policy, and notify you of the revised policy by posting on the official website or other means that you may be appropriate to receive notices. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised and updated policy.

13. Scope of application of this policy



13.1 This policy applies to all services provided by all companies under the Mellon Company that you use, except for services to which we expressly state that our other specially formulated separate privacy policies or terms apply. However, some services have set their specific privacy guidelines/statements according to their needs. If there is any inconsistency between this policy and the privacy guidelines/statements of specific services, please refer to the specific privacy guidelines/statements.

13.2 The titles of all clauses in this policy are for reading convenience only, have no actual meaning in themselves, and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this policy.